Open Calls
Call for evaluators
REINFORCING project is looking for experts with experience in the implementation of ORRI projects and initiatives in order to assist REINFORCING in the evaluation of project proposals.
The external experts will be selected through an Open Call for Evaluators, which will be open on the REINFORCING website from November 2023 to December 2025, to ensure the best possible expertise in the evaluation process, so that grant applications are assessed in a transparent and consistent way.
Please note that submitting your candidature doesn’t automatically imply that you will be selected as an evaluator for one of the 7 REINFORCING Open Calls. Potential evaluators will be selected by the Consortium according to their experience in the topic of each specific call and contacted before the call launches to check their availability.
What are the tasks for external evaluators?
Expert evaluators are asked to assist REINFORCING partners in evaluating the grant applications. Evaluators will work in their personal capacity as experts in implementing ORRI initiatives, especially in the different topics of the calls for proposals. As a general rule, the proposals submitted under the same call will be evaluated by the same panel of experts.
Evaluators will work remotely and the evaluation process will consist of:
iconAn online briefing with the REINFORCING Consortium
iconAn initial individual evaluation, carried out independently and remotely by each expert of the evaluation panel
iconAn online panel assessment, where experts reach an agreement on the proposal evaluation
Are external experts remunerated?
Yes, external evaluators will receive a fee in line with the European Commission standards remuneration for external experts.
How to apply to become an external evaluator?
If you are interested in working as an external expert assisting in the evaluation of REINFORCING cascading grants, you can declare your interest by submitting your application online
Besides completing basic information online regarding your expertise, you will be asked to upload your full CV. 
The call will be open from:
Do you have a question?
Do you have a question on the open call for evaluators? Contact us!